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This keyboard interrupt handler reads the keycode from the keyboard device and stores it away in the Global Data segment. It also takes the time to display the Hex code for the keycode on the screen.

The code as it stands doesn't display multi-code keys - the subsequent codes overwrite the previous ones, and it's not obvious which keys are multi-code. The solution to this is left as an exercise for the reader!


; Ints/
; This module implements the Keyboard interrupt handler.
; It simply gets the scan-code for the key and stores it into Data.Key.Code.
; This is a one-byte buffer - if you miss it before the next one, it's gone!
; Of course, not much is happening on this system, so it's unlikely it'll get
; missed.
; Note that the value stored is a scan-code, which is different from what you
; get from a getc() call - that's ASCII. Scan-codes are whatever the keyboard
; wants to generate for each key, and there's nothing obvious about their
; arrangement - so I've added code that displays the Hex value of the scan-code
; on the screen on every interrupt.
; Also note that the keyboard generates one interrupt when the key is pressed,
; and a second (with the same scan-code but with the high bit set) when the key
; is released. In this way the keyboard handler can keep track of which keys are
; currently being held down. If the key isn't released after a short while,
; another scan-code will be generated, again with the high bit clear.
; What isn't obvious with the display code as it is, is that for some keys there
; are two (or more) interrupts generated. The original PC had one set of number
; and arrow keys, while the Extended keyboard duplicated these with a keypad.
; For older systems these new keys had to generate the same scan-codes as the
; old ones, but newer systems wanted to distinguish between the two. So the new
; keys were designed to prefix the old scan-code with a "magic" keypress that
; the old systems didn't know about, so simply ignored.
; Needless to say, extending the functionality is left as an exercise for the
; reader!
                PUSH            EAX             ; Need these registers
                PUSH            ES              ; For .Hex's STOSW later...
                ; Point to Global Data
                MOV             AX,Selector(GDT.Data, GDT, RPL0)
                MOV             ES,AX
                IN              AL,Dev.Key.Data ; Get character from keyboard
                MOV             [ES:Data.Key.Code],AL ; Store in global Data
                MOV             AH,AL            ; Save to show
                MOV             AL,Dev.PIC.Cmd.EOI ; Can now acknowledge PIC
                OUT             Dev.PIC.A.Cmd,AL
                CMP             AH,Dev.Key.Pause ; Also labeled "Break"...
                JNE             .Continue        ; Don't Break?
                STI                              ; Do! So need interrupts back on
                DEBUG                            ; (Debugger uses keyboard)
                CALL            .Show           ; Show scan-code on screen
                POP             ES              ; That was easy!
                POP             EAX
; This function shows the scan-code (in AL) on the screen
; .Key.Pos is chosen as the keyboard IRQ's screen position - but the Hex is two
; characters wide. Luckily, the next IRQ (IRQ2) is the Cascade, so it never fires!
.Key.Pos        EQU             33 * 2          ; Location on screen to show Key
.Key.Colour     EQU             Dev.VGA.CyanBack | Dev.VGA.Black
                PUSH            ECX             ; Need these
                PUSH            EDX
                PUSH            EDI  
                ; Now point to screen
                MOV             DI,Selector(GDT.VGA, GDT, RPL0)
                MOV             ES,DI
                MOV             DL,AH           ; Code to Hexify
                MOV             AH,.Key.Colour  ; Colour to use
                MOV             ECX,2           ; Only 2 digits
                MOV             EDI,.Key.Pos    ; Position to show it
                CALL            Ints.Hex
                POP             EDI             ; Done!
                POP             EDX
                POP             ECX
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