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This file provides the definitions for the rest of the ISO subsystem. I have tried to make it so that nothing in here needs to be modified for ISO to be used in other projects, and especially for it not to use definitions from the rest of the Demonstrator.

It does however provide quite a number of %defines and %macros of its own - all with the ISO. prefix to attempt to avoid polluting your namespace!


; Pad/ISO/
; This file holds the definitions for the ISO standard. The biggest oddity is
; their way of catering for both little-endian and big-endian systems out there:
; they avoid it altogether and use a both-endian double-sized structure!
; The following have been defined by the ISO standard
ISO.Sector.Size EQU             2048
ISO.Boot.Media.NoEmulation EQU  0
ISO.Boot.Media.Floppy.1200 EQU  1
ISO.Boot.Media.Floppy.1440 EQU  2
ISO.Boot.Media.Floppy.2880 EQU  3
ISO.Boot.Media.HardDisk    EQU  4
ISO.Boot.Platform.x86      EQU  0
ISO.Boot.Platform.PowerPC  EQU  1
ISO.Boot.Platform.Mac      EQU  2
; For some fields, I need a date and time. Why not now?
%defstr         ISO.Now.Date    __DATE_NUM__    ; YYYYMMDD
%defstr         ISO.Now.Time    __TIME_NUM__    ; HHMMSS
; This extracts sub-parts of the above numbers as integers
%define         ISO.Extract(Number, Mod, Div) ((Number % Mod) / Div)
; The ISO standard caters for both Big- and Little-endian numbers. Here are
; some macros for when it matters which will be used
%define         ISO.Endian.Little.Word(Num)  (Num)
%define         ISO.Endian.Big.Word(Num)     ((Num >> 8) | (Num << 8) & 0FFFFh)
%define         ISO.Endian.Little.DWord(Num) (Num)
%define         ISO.Endian.Big.DWord(Num)    ( ((Num >> 24) &  0000_00FFh) | \
                                               ((Num >>  8) &  0000_FF00h) | \
                                               ((Num <<  8) &  00FF_0000h) | \
                                               ((Num << 24) & 0FF00_0000h)   \
; And here are the macros to represent the Both-endian numbers
%macro          ISO.Endian.Word 1
                DW              ISO.Endian.Little.Word(%1)
                DW              ISO.Endian.Big.Word(%1)
%macro          ISO.Endian.DWord 1
                DD              ISO.Endian.Little.DWord(%1)
                DD              ISO.Endian.Big.DWord(%1)
; NASM's __DATE_NUM__ and __TIME_NUM__ macros are already in the correct format!
%macro          ISO.DateTime    0
%00.Date        DB              ISO.Now.Date
%00.Time        DB              ISO.Now.Time
%00.Hundredths  DB              "00"
%00.Timezone    DB              ISO.Timezone
%if ($-%00.Date) != 17
%error "DateTime macro results incorrect"
; Every Volume sector in the Volume Set needs the same Header to start
%define         ISO.Volume.Header.ID.String "CD001"
ISO.Volume.Header.Type.Boot         EQU     0
ISO.Volume.Header.Type.Primary      EQU     1
ISO.Volume.Header.Type.Supplemetary EQU     2
ISO.Volume.Header.Type.Partition    EQU     3
ISO.Volume.Header.Type.Terminator   EQU   255
                STRUC           ISO.Volume.Header
.Type           RESB            1               ; ISO.Volume.Header.Type.*
.ID             RESB            5               ; ISO.Volume.Header.ID.String
.Version        RESB            1               ; Usually 1
%macro          ISO.Volume.Header 2
%00             ISTRUC        ISO.Volume.Header
AT ISO.Volume.Header.Type,    DB                %1
AT ISO.Volume.Header.ID,      DB                ISO.Volume.Header.ID.String
AT ISO.Volume.Header.Version, DB                %2
; This is the format of an ISO Directory Entry. At least, it nearly is -
; .Identifier is the name, and the whole Entry's size needs to be even
                STRUC           ISO.Dir
.NumBytes       RESB            1
.NumExtSectors  RESB            1
.Sector         RESD            2       ; Both-endian
.Size           RESD            2       ; Both-endian
.Years          RESB            1
.Month          RESB            1
.Day            RESB            1
.Hour           RESB            1
.Min            RESB            1
.Sec            RESB            1
.Timezone       RESB            1
.Flags          RESB            1
.Interleave.Size RESB           1
.Interleave.Gap RESB            1
.Volume.SeqNum  RESW            2       ; Both-endian
.Length         RESB            1
.Identifier     RESB            1
; These are the most common Entry flags
ISO.Dir.Flag.Normal EQU         0000_0000b
ISO.Dir.Flag.Hidden EQU         0000_0001b
ISO.Dir.Flag.File   EQU         0000_0000b
ISO.Dir.Flag.Dir    EQU         0000_0010b
%macro          ISO.Dir.Root    4
%00             ISTRUC    ISO.Dir
AT ISO.Dir.NumBytes,      DB    ISO.Dir_size
AT ISO.Dir.NumExtSectors, DB    0
AT ISO.Dir.Sector,        ISO.Endian.DWord %1
AT ISO.Dir.Size,          ISO.Endian.DWord ISO.Sector.Size
AT ISO.Dir.Years,         DB    ISO.Extract(__DATE_NUM__,100000000,10000) - 1900
AT ISO.Dir.Month,         DB    ISO.Extract(__DATE_NUM__,10000,100)
AT ISO.Dir.Day,           DB    ISO.Extract(__DATE_NUM__,100,1)
AT ISO.Dir.Hour,          DB    ISO.Extract(__TIME_NUM__,1000000,10000)
AT ISO.Dir.Min,           DB    ISO.Extract(__TIME_NUM__,10000,100)
AT ISO.Dir.Sec,           DB    ISO.Extract(__TIME_NUM__,100,1)
AT ISO.Dir.Timezone,      DB    ISO.Timezone
AT ISO.Dir.Flags,         DB    %2
AT ISO.Dir.Interleave.Size, DB  0
AT ISO.Dir.Interleave.Gap,  DB  0
AT ISO.Dir.Volume.SeqNum, ISO.Endian.Word 1
AT ISO.Dir.Length,        DB    %3
AT ISO.Dir.Identifier,    DB    %4
; The Boot Catalog has the only Checksum in the formal ISO specification.
; Here are the macro definitions to get NASM to calculate it for us!
ISO.Validation.Header    EQU    01h
ISO.Validation.Signature EQU    0AA55h
%macro          ISO.Checksum    2
%assign         Checksum        (%2<<8) + ISO.Validation.Header + ISO.Validation.Signature
%strlen         ID.Length       %1
%assign         ID.Pos          1
%rep ID.Length
%substr         ID.High         %1 ID.Pos+1
%substr         ID.Low          %1 ID.Pos+0
%assign         Checksum        Checksum + ((ID.High << 8) | ID.Low)
%assign         ID.Pos          ID.Pos+2
%00             DW              (0-Checksum) & 0FFFFh
%macro          ISO.Validation  2
.Header         DB              ISO.Validation.Header
.Platform       DB              %2
.Reserved       DW              0000h
.ID             DB              %1
                TIMES           ((1Bh-04h+1) - ($-.ID)) DB 00h
.Checksum       ISO.Checksum    %1, %2
.Signature      DW              ISO.Validation.Signature
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