User:Isaccbarker/String Formatting

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Here is an example implementation of some code which formats text according to a format string, and flushes it via a function pointer given in a struct. This code is taken from HenipaOS, and is thus licensed under SPDX: BSD-3-Clause-No-Nuclear-License.

It does not seek to replicate the format seen in libc, but instead formats with a format designed for simple code (no look ahead required, not much logic, easily extensible).

typedef int (*pfnStreamWriteBuf)(char*);
struct Stream {
    size_t buf_len;
    size_t buf_i;
    char *buf;
    pfnStreamWriteBuf pfn_write_all;
// Returns 0 on success, non-0 on failure.
static int print_stream_buf(struct Stream *stream) {
  // Ensure we are null terminated. Can never be too safe!
  stream->buf[stream->buf_len - 1] = '\0';
  // Write the buf.
  if ((size_t)stream->pfn_write_all(stream->buf) != strlen(stream->buf)) {
    // We didn't write the entire usable portion of the buffer, for some reason.
    return 1;
  // Clear the buffer.
  memset(stream->buf, 0, stream->buf_len);
  return 0;
// If not enough space is avilable, call `print_stream_buf`, and forward the
// return code.
static int push_to_buf(struct Stream *stream, char c) {
  stream->buf[stream->buf_i] = c;
  stream->buf_i += 1;
  // Check if the buffer is full. If so, flush it.
  if (stream->buf_i == stream->buf_len - 2) {
    int err;
    stream->buf_i = 0;
    err = print_stream_buf(stream);
    if (err != 0) {
      // We didn't write the entire buffer, for some reason.
      return err;
  return 0;
// If too little space is in the buffer either at the end of pushing the string
// or at the end, it will call `print_stream_buf`. If that fails, it will
// forward its return code.
// As such, returns 0 on success, non-0 on failure.
static int push_all_to_buf(struct Stream *stream, char *str) {
  int err;
  for (char c = *str; c != '\0'; c = *++str) {
    err = push_to_buf(stream, c);
    if (err != 0) {
      return err;
  return 0;
// To print a signed int this way, first detect if it is negative and then convert it into an
// unsigned type.
static void push_int_to_buf(struct Stream *stream, unsigned int val, unsigned int base) {
    int i = MAXBUF-2;
    static char buf[MAXBUF] = {0};
    for (; val && i; --i, val /= base)
        buf[i] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"[val % base];
    push_all_to_buf(stream, &buf[i+1]);
static int int_display_flag_to_base(char flag) {
    switch (flag) {
    case 'd':
        return 10;
    case 'x':
        return 16;
    case 'o':
        return 8;
        return 10;
// The format specifier should follow the below template:
//  {?<arg>.<format code>}
//  note: only include the '?' before the arg if using an arg.
// Printing signed number:
//  {?<base>d}
//  note: base can be 'd' for decimal, 'x' for hexidecimal, or 'o' for octal.
// Printing unsigned number:
//  {?<base>u}
//  note: base can be 'd' for decimal, 'x' for hexidecimal, or 'o' for octal.
// Printing string:
//  {s}
int vfprintf(struct Stream *stream, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
    enum ParseMode parse_mode = NORMAL;
    char arg = '\0';
    for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(fmt); i++) {
        char cur = fmt[i];
        switch (cur) {
        case '{': {
            if (parse_mode == NORMAL) {
                // Start looking for arguments next, or another '{' for escape.
                parse_mode = FORMAT_SPECIFIER;
                goto char_loop_end;
            } else {
                // We escaped the '{' character.
                parse_mode = NORMAL;
        case '}': {
            if (parse_mode == FORMAT_SPECIFIER) {
                parse_mode = NORMAL;
                goto char_loop_end;
        case '?': {
            if (parse_mode == FORMAT_SPECIFIER) {
                parse_mode = ARGUMENT;
                goto char_loop_end;
        case 'd': {
            if (parse_mode == FORMAT_SPECIFIER) {
                int val = va_arg(args, int);
                if (val < 0)
                    push_to_buf(stream, '-');
                push_int_to_buf(stream, (unsigned int) val, int_display_flag_to_base(arg));
                goto format_spec_end;
        case 'u': {
            if (parse_mode == FORMAT_SPECIFIER) {
                unsigned int val = va_arg(args, unsigned int);
                push_int_to_buf(stream, val, int_display_flag_to_base(arg));
                goto format_spec_end;
        case 's': {
            if (parse_mode == FORMAT_SPECIFIER) {
                char *str = va_arg(args, char *);
                push_all_to_buf(stream, str);
                goto format_spec_end;
        default: {
            if (parse_mode == ARGUMENT) {
                arg = cur;
                parse_mode = FORMAT_SPECIFIER;
                goto char_loop_end;
        // Add the current character to the buffer.
        push_to_buf(stream, cur);
        goto char_loop_end;
        arg = '\0';
    // At the end, flush the buffer.
    if (print_stream_buf(stream) != 0) {
        // We didn't write the entire buffer, for some reason.
        // TODO: Decide what to do if we ever get here.
    // And of course reset the buffer index.
    stream->buf_i = 0;
    return 0;
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